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Карма 0
Spasiba vam vsem za vashi pisma. Mne shas dazhe samomu nemnogo smeshno smeshno DDD. Thenk you a lot for your letter Rufus Cooperwood, do you know a guy named Robbert Harris or Raj, he worked with Osho ??? Ya dazhe ne znayu russkoi klavi, translit poluchaetsya namnogo bistree. Telefona u menya net, ya prosto zhivu v nomere A u D'Melese vrode, No dumaya cherez 3 dnya poehat na Vagator , a ot tuda i na anJunu. pravda zhilyo doogovato, ya tut podschital , ne schitaya rashodov na zhilyo u menya vsego 200 backsov do 14 chisla. Eshe raz spasibo vsem. Primu luie predlozheniya kuda poehat i o horoshih mestah DDDDDD
Карма 5105
Ya dazhe ne znayu russkoi klavi, translit poluchaetsya namnogo bistree.
Пользуйся сайтом www.translit.ru Это будет еще быстрее, и больше шансов, что твои собщения кто-нибудь прочтет.
Карма 40
всё очень дорого???
Карма 0
Нет, толка жилё, а осталное все дешиво , (блин ,класная ета штука - транслит.ру), ну в данни период где я спрашивал от 450 до 750. Я шас там где 750,а в обични сезон они говорят 200. Но шас я хочу поехат в Анджуну. И после среди в вагатор, там и решу где провести осталние дни. Шас поиду к какому то китаицу Куку, ну кукушка.
Карма 40
Удачи тебе)))

скоро присоединимся))
Карма 9
Ужасы какие... кучи трупов повсюду
...и он об этом спустя 32 года пишет...Зацепило, однако.
Карма 0
...и он об этом спустя 32 года пишет...Зацепило, однако.

Когохош зацепилоб такое...
Карма 0
Hi Serge, Andrew and pionist,yea Serge and andrew it was a long time ago and it was really terriable, so terrable I couldn't ever tell anyone about it until yesterday, some how it just came out thinking it might help the pianist, make him feel ,shet I really aint doing so bad in Candolin, compared to that rufus dude in calcutta, and sounds like something helped, probably us all trying to give the pianist a little support, cause we all been there, feeling alone, yes we are ultimately alone but we shore do need a friend to lend a helping hand, or a sholder to lean on sometimes. I like the pianist was in the same boat back there in Calcutta, feeling so alone and fearing I was going to end up like the rest of the refugees in Calcutta, when a guy named jonnie lee jones from Detroit came in the same resturant as me and came over to my table and you eating alone, mind if I join ya , and we sat there and shot the shet, as we watched the begger kids and they watched us, while we proceeded to get drunk as fuk, and ended up buying, 100chipaties and 100 samosas and got the waiter to deal them out to the beggers, ended up going on the train to Nepal with Jonnie Lee, became a great friend, so there Pianist you meet some amazing folks in India, and I am sure you won't be any different. By the way Mr pianist I do know that dude you mentioned called Rajyogi, if its the same dude, quite a guy , a bit of a legion in the senyas world,Met him years back in Poona , India, he had an amazing bamboo hut next to a huge well surrounded by trees, use to hang out there and go swimming and shoot the shit, pluss got into a few vices, I won't mention, ole Rajyogi ended up being Osho's bodyguard on the Ranch in america, and later became a famous healer, teaching some kind of Tibetan healing or something. Anyhow thats enough of this fukin letter. Take care talk to you all later.

yours almost truely , Rufus, cooperwood
Карма 5105
rufus cooperwood, sounds like you are a writer?
Карма 0
Hi Moony, with a name like that ya can' be a bad dude, I got an amazing friend called Moony from that joint that sho gets a lot a bad press thest days, yea the U.S.A. yea I know the Gov. sucks but theres some good dudes sprinkled around the joint. My friend Moony is mad as a meet ax, I love him but sometimes he gets so pissed off with India and how nothing functions ontime , I went by to see him one day in his bad moods . and for 1 hour he screamed out how terriable India was, and that he fired 10 mades in one week and how no one delivers anything on time in India. ect. ect. on and on for one hour I felt like I had been blasted by 10,thousand volts of Moonyness, I was totally fryed, but the guy is so total, so articulately pissed off to the max, inside I was laughing me ass of, just watching the whole moony movie. Moony can also be a great friend , who would do anything to help a friend, Mad as a meet ax but I love the guy. Sorry Moony , I got off on this ole story of another Moony, but yea so many of me friends tell me I got to write and I'am going to get around to it soon. or fuk thats what I am doing right now, maybe I've allready started, anyhow happy to meet ya Moony and talk to ya down the road. almost sincerely , Rufus Cooperwood
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