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Вся Индия › What to do ???

Карма 0
Mne 18 let ya iz Almaty( Kazakhstan )7 chasov nazad priehal v aeroport Goa i za 800 rupi doehal na taxi do Kandalima. Osmotrelsya, snyal nomer ( neplohoi nomer v guesthouse na poberezhie, no mne kazhetsya 750 etodorogovato). Shodil na plyazh, pokushal, otchitalsya zvonkom domoi,a dalshe chto. Ya suda priehal 1 prosto, stalo skuchno doma, a suda govorili priezhaet "prodvinutaya" ni v obshem interesnaya molodezh so vsego sveta. No zdes nikogo net. Bolshaya chast ne indusov eto evropeiskie turisti - ot 30 do 40 let, parami, ili s detmi , nu eshe nemnogo starikov. Snyal nomer ya poka na 2 dnya,i ne znayu chto delat kak to odinoko i skuchnovato. Dumayu kuda nit v drugoe mesto poehat, govoryat v Anjune mnogo molodezhi, a ya poobshatsya s nei hochu, osobeno s yaponcami. Nu koroche sovsem ne znayu chto seichas delat. S udovolstviem primu lubuyu kritiku i sovet. Sorry za translit, ibo net russkogo shrifta. I sorry za izlishni tragism, 1 raz za granicei za poslednie 5 let, i ne znayu chto delat.
Карма 766
Уезжай в Анжуну, снимай скутер и будет тебе счастье
Карма 34
Или на Вагатор, там японцев больше
Карма 0
Delo rebiata govorat!!! Dvigai na Vagator! )))
Карма 0
Кстати как раз в Вагаторе был у меня сосед японец лет 18 ти ! Очень прикольный чел...
Карма 0
pianist, I am an american liveing in russia, with many years experience in india and Goa, relax you are undergoing a transformation that everyone goes through when first going to India. for fuk sake you just got there give it time , if you relax and quit judgeing and be patient you will meeet many interiesting people from all over the world in Goa and India, you think you are haveing a hard time in Goa after one day thank Crist you didn't arrive in Calcutta when I did in 1974 during the Banglidesh conflict there were millions of refugees , every inch of ground was covered with humans with nothing from the airport to the city, people were dieing everywhere there were trailor after trailor full of dead bodies, every time I went to a restaurant to eat there was shit and rubbish piled 10 feet high on both sides of the street, with thousands of begger kids and women digging in it for food, when I finally arrived at the restaurant to eat every window was full of dieing kids watching me eat pointing tward there mouth for food, I spent 5 days trying to get the hell out of there and finally I got a train ticked to Nepal, when I arrived at the train station early in the morning there was 25000 refugees laying in every inch of the train station ya had to walk over some were dead and some alive and there were heaps of bodys piled high on flat trailors and guys were going around pokeing the bodies to see who was alive and who was dead. the smell was horific , when I finally arrived to my train and got the hell out of there, every station we passed on the way to Nepal for 200 klometers there were dead bodies laying here and there with flys buzzzing around them, sounds like you are faceing your aloneness maybe for the first time, its true ya are alone we all are everyone is doing everything they canto avoid feeling it. even if you are surrounded by lover , friend , relative or just a croud you are alone, you come to this planet alone and you will leave it alone,you are luckey India is giveing you a chance to feel it.I do not know where you are at in Candolin but if you go to Lewanda supermarket , if you are faceing it you turn right and go down to the first intersection , at that intersection there is a motorbike taxi, take a motorbike taxi from there to anjuna beach, there are lots of young people on the beach in the restaurants in the discos, everywhere. good luck

, Rufus Cooperwood
Карма 5108
rufus cooperwood, а можно то же самое по-русски написать?
Карма 0
Hi Moony, I am sorry I can only read russian I can't write it. Sorry mate. Rufus
Карма 22
Ужасы какие... кучи трупов повсюду

Короче говорит... бери скутер и двигай в Анджуну, там тусняк)))
Карма 40
Блин, соотечественник, ну ты даешь

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Там сейчас алматинцев много

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