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Индия › Продлен срок подачи заявлений на получение Гранта на обучение в Индии - до 15 марта 2018!

Карма 498
Для тех, кто не может прочитать на английском, новость бесполезна. Так как для обучения в Индии бесплатно нужен уверенный средний уровень письменного и устного языка.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Продлен срок подачи заявлений на получение Гранта на обучение в Индии - до 15 марта 2018!

#ICCR General #Scholarship Scheme 2018-19

The Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Moscow invites online applications from the citizens of the Russian Federation for studying in Indian universities/institutions under the General Scholarship Scheme 2018-19 of Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).

The necessary terms & conditions of the Scholarship Scheme are:

(i) The applications will only be received online through the A2A Scholarship Portal of ICCR ‹тыц› Applicants need to register themselves on the website for filling up of application for the Scheme. Guidelines regarding filling up the application forms are available on the website.

(ii) The Scholarship Scheme is available to pursue under-graduate/post-graduate/doctoral courses in all academic disciplines including courses in the field of performing arts like Indian dance and music. The list of universities and available courses is available on the Scholarship Portal. No scholarships are available for pursuing courses in medical sciences (MBBS/MD).

(iii) Scanned copies of all the requisite documents need to be uploaded online and no hard copies will be received.

(iv) Notorized translations of all the documents, which are not in English, needs to uploaded on the portal.

(v) Applicants should be proficient in the English language (reading/writing/speaking) as English will be the medium of instructions in all the courses. An English proficiency test will be conducted for all the applicants while processing the applications.

(vi) All students have to stay in hostels provided by the University/Institutions and no exception for family or health reasons will be made.

(vii) Only those students who reach 18 years of age by 31 July, 2018 may be recommended for admission.

(viii) Students will be paid monthly stipend, annual contingent grant and medical expenses as per the financial terms & conditions of the Scholarship Scheme. Air-tickets to be borne by the students.

For any further clarifications please go through the FAQs section on the A2A Scholarship Portal or you may send your queries by e-mail at dydirjncc@indianembassy.ru or jnccmoscow@gmail.com / jnccwing@indianembassy.ru
Карма 13

на сайте iccr в штате Uttar Pradesh только 3 записи из которых можно выбирать :

Lucknow University

Banaras Hindu University, Varnassi

Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith

Видимо, университет KENDRIYA HINDI SANSTHAN, AGRA в списке не значится..

На сайте посольства пишут : Applications should be submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, 9 Vorontosovo Polye, Moscow.  The last date of submission of application forms is 20th March, 2017.  

На сайте же университета : "Last date for sending the application form is 30.04.2018"

"Student's application form will be accepted through concerned Embassies only"

Еще пишут, что было 4 места для России в прошлом году.
Карма 66
Потому что Kendriya Hindi Sansthan Agra - это отдельная программа. Про нее здесь тоже в новостях писали.
Карма 498
Вниманию желающих изучать хинди в Центральном институте хинди в Агре! Ссылка для скачивания анкеты


Крайний срок подачи заявлений - 30 апреля 2018.
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