The fort was first ...
по моей ссылке написано:
Redi, [Contributed by Mr. R. B. Worthington, late Bombay Civil Service.] more properly YASHVANTGAD, is a very fair specimen of the forts built about the time of the, break up of Musalman power (1660). According to Grant Duff it was built by Shivaji about the same time (1662) as he built the great island fort of Sindhudurg at Malvan. But it is probable that Shivaji only repaired a fort previously held by the Savants for the Bijapur kings. In 1817, when it was in the hands of the Savant chiefs, the fort was besieged by the Goanese who planted their guns on Hasta Dongar hill, and though too far off to do it much harm, the marks of the battering still remain on the south walls of the citadel palace. Failing to take the fort they are said to have cut down the neighbouring palm groves and decamped. In 1819, in accordance with an agreement made some years before (1812) with Phond Savant. In 1812 this chieftain promised that if hereafter any Vadi subjects were guilty of piracy, the forte of Redi and Nivti should be given up to the English] the English came to Redi to take the fort from Sambhaji Savant. Their batteries opened on February 13th, and in the evening of the same day the outworks were carried by assault, and next morning the fort surrendered. [While the English ships were outside the mouth of the creek, the Savant's war vessels lay inside. This seems to show that the creek must since have silted a good deal, as at present no vessel of any size can enter.] The marks of the English cannon balls are still visible on the north end of the west side of the palace.
Там, по ходу, каждый немного поучавствовал - в описании по ссылке и про португальцев сказано.
А ещё про какой-то полицейский участок ВНУТРИ форта %-)
не понятно, почему на него не возят туристов. Реально смотреть в Гоа нечего
Я пытался товарищу гоанцу хозяину турагентства в Калангуте пропихнуть идею поездок в Махараштру - всё свелось к тому, что ему проще продать готовый стандартный продукт, в который ему надо минимум усилий вложить, чем заморачиваться.
А Махараштра правда красивая - не только побережье - горы (ну если можно так сказать) тоже - был в Амболи - здорово там, виды по дороге панорамные на Западные Гаты весьма...