Австралийский турист убит в Гоа за пререкания с официантом
Турист из Австралии Джон Келли (John Kallie) скончался в четверг, 9 октября в больнице штата Гоа, Индия, после нападения, совершенного на него в баре на пляже, сообщает BBC News со ссылкой на индийскую полицию.
В связи со смертью Келли уже задержаны двое официантов и охранник заведения.
Сообщается, что турист вступил в спор с официантом о том, как правильно подавать пиво, в результате чего завязалась драка. Работники бара сбили Келли с ног и стали избивать его.
У пожилого туриста началось внутреннее кровотечение, и спустя 10 часов он скончался в больнице. Результаты вскрытия ожидаются к вечеру четверга.
An Australian tourist has died in hospital in Goa, India, after he was assaulted at a beach bar, police say.
John Kallie died 10 hours after being attacked while drinking beer in the bar at Calangute beach.
Three people, including two waiters and a security guard at the bar, have been detained in connection with the death.
A British teenager was raped and killed while holidaying in Goa in February. The case is still being investigated by India's federal police, CBI.
According to reports, Mr Kallie was assaulted after getting into an argument with a waiter over how beer should be served.
"Reports of post-mortem are awaited. But it is suspected that he (Mr Kallie) had a fight with the hotel staff and they came to blows," senior police officer Gundu Naik told the BBC.
"He was pushed down and assaulted. Since he was quite old, he suffered from internal bleeding. We will have a clearer picture by the evening," he said.
Goa is India's best known tourist destination and receives hundreds of thousands of visitors from India and abroad every year.