Ну в Кашмир я точно не поеду, в Дели еще пока тоже не была.
Поэтому говорю пока что об Израиле;)
в Кашмире природа красивая, мне нравилось. Причём учёные, изучающие "неизвестную" жизнь Иисуса Христа, полагают, что кашмирцы - одно из 10 потерянных колен Израилевых - так упоминается и в книге Фиды Хасснайна "В поисках исторического Иисуса", и в книге Хольгера Керстена "Иисус жил в Индии". Общаясь в Индии с кашмирскими торговцами - а они там во всех местах, где бывают иностранцы, - видишь, насколько их торгашеская ушлость и "смекалка" напоминает черты древнего ближневосточного народа :) Видимо, напряжённость и постоянные обыски свойственны местам, плотно населяемым потомками царя Давида ;). В Шринагаре обыск при посещении любого культового или исторического объекта.
В книге-первоисточнике Азиза Кашмири "Христос в Кашмире" приводится сравнительная таблица слов с одинаковым значением с похожим или аналогичным произношением из кашмирского и еврейского языков, и утверждается, что кашмирский язык произошёл не от санскрита, в отличие от остальных языков северной Индии:
Kashmiri Language and Hebrew :
There are so many Hebrew words which correspond with Kashmiri words even today and are used daily by Kashmiri people. These clear and strong proofs cannot be ignored in any way. A few words are given here as example:
Hebrew Kashmiri Meaning
Ab Bab Father
Abas Absavan To make thick
Ashah Ashain Mate
Afon Wofun To fly
Aoh Auh Oh
Aol Wol Prodigal
Akh Akh Single
Am Em Death
Ajal Ajal Death
Arah Arah Saw
Asar Asar Teasing
Awn Awan Blind
Aob Aop Prodigal
Ahad Ahad One
Adar Chadar Blanket
Ahal Hal Belt
Awah (eager) Awah To agree
Aosh Aosh Tears
Aseal Aloos Idle
Aodon Aodon The only
Abital Abtal Under water
Achor Achor Causing grief
Asiel Asiel An angelic person
Atal(to be dark) Atal Bat
And Gand Knot
Bacca Baca Weeping
Baal Baal Spring
Beri Beuri Well
Boam Bam Top
Bous Bous To Grind
Beneh (tribe) Beneh Sister
Bawa Bawan To achieve
Bar (to dig) Bar Hole
Baneh Baneh Will be
Brrah Bar Door
Boleh Boleumut Frightened
Dabas Dubrawan To bury
Dumeh Dam Silence
Daman Dam Good fortune
Dafah Dafah To turn out
Dafar Daqar Hammer
Dara (Hate) Dara To hate
Dakah Dakah To push
Ful Ful Pieces
Furas Furas Stolen
Fos Fos To burst
Gair Gair Not related
Ghabar(Powerful) Gubar Young son
Hamah Humaham Noise
Hirom Hearam Topmost
Hoon Hoon Dog, worthless
Hoal Haul Zigzag
Him Him That
Jalah Chaleh To leave
Jaal Jaal Deceive
Jorm (to chew food) Aram Tooth
Jabur Jabur To force
Kotneith Kotnah Narrow trouser
Kour Krur Well
Kizab Kizab Lie
Loal Lol Love
Labah Lab Separate
Maloon Malune Father's house
Main (to show face) Moan Kiss
Massah (refuse) Masah Do not
Mazah (to suck) Mazah To taste
Mehar Mahar Dowry
Moskh Masakh To change
Moas Moas Thin
Monakhon (Resting place) Malakhah Graveyard
Nalah Nalah To end, to ignore
Nakah Nakh To be near
Naqat Naqhat Hate
Nisa Nisa To take
Niya Nayul Unripe
Noor Noor Light
Nebuchnazar Buchnasar Cruel
Phot Phot Basket
Qadam Qadam Step
Qatal Qatal Murder
Qabar Qabar Grave
Rasah Razah Confirmation
Rasha Rasha Mischievous
Razah Raz Rope
Safat (Decorate) Sifat Praise
Sahar Sahar Dawn
Saqut Saqoot Silence
Shiqas Shiqas Degradation
Shibah (to praise) Shoob Praise
Shieth Saith With
Shaul Shaul Fox
Shoh Heoh Similar
Shina (to change) Shina Barren
Shootah Shoftah To beat brutely
Sidiq Sidiq Truthful
Soom Soom To decorate
Shas Shas Breathing
Shafal Sifal Mean fellow
Tahar Tahar To give alms
Tair Tair Cold
Toh Toh Shelter
Tuok Thook Spit
Tula Tulum To take high
Tumum Tamam All
Taqar Taqar Balance
Toh (to disperse) Toh Bran wheat
Taqiq (to cut) Taqit To chew
Tool Toal Length
Yalil Yaqil Log of top
Zah Zah Second
Zoah Zoah Underground store
Zoaf Zoaf Weakness
Zabeh Zabeh To slaughter
Zinah Zinah Adultery
Ziker Ziker To remember
Some people say that Kashmiri language has been derived from the Sanskrit, which is quite baseless. Well known Linguistic Prof. Max Muller in his book, The Science of Languages, (1891) Vol.1, p 234 states:
"The religion of Veda is not the source of all other reli¬gions of the Aryan world. Nor is Sanskrit the mother of all the Aryan languages. Sanskrit as compared with Greek and Latin is an elder sister, not a parent."
On page 77 of the same book the author states:
"Hindustani is not the daughter of Sanskrit, as we find it in-the Veda or in the later literature of the Brahmans; it is a branch of the living speech of India... springing from the same stem from which Sanskrit sprang".
Hebrew is the usual name of the language spoken by the Israelites upto a few centuries before the birth of Jesus. The term Hebrew is not in the Old Testament. In later times the Jews called it Hebrew, "the Holy Language". The phrase "Hebrew language" therefore does not go back to the Old Testament. The Hebrew word "Ibri" (Genesis, 10:11) comprises of a number of Arabic and Aramaic stocks {The New Schaff Herzog Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge; under the caption "Hebrew Language").
The Bible relates that differences in language started from Babylon (Genesis, 11 :l-9) and it was the differences in language that created enimity and dissension in the human race or that quarrels and disputes among people started a difference of languages. At first the Aryans and Persians were brothers. Then they fell out:the Aryans called God by the name Dev (God)), and the Persians called Satan by that name.
However this is a hard fact that Kashmiri language has sprung from Hebrew language and not from Sanskrit.