«Поскольку особенные наставления по прижиганию встречаются так же редко как золото - в других текстах их нет, дадим более подробное описание этой методики: тщательно измельченный порошок из взятых в равных пропорциях чонг-жи, бцод и пи-пи-линг брось на то место, где собираешься произвести прижигание и накрой кусочком красного шелка, сверху положи деревянную плашку толщиной с ячменное зернышко, а шириной с палец, после чего 3, 5 или 7 раз приложи трут - в наставлениях говорится, что посредством такого прижигания вытягиваются все болезни, вызванные чху-сер, особенно удивительный лечебный эффект от такого прижигания наблюдается при отеках и опуханиях. Кроме того, в соответствующих сборниках описываются такие методы прижигания как ртен-'брел-мэ-бц'а, т. е. «прижигание деревом», а также рва'-мэ-бц'а, рин-по-чхе'и-мэ-бц'а и т. п.». Так описывает прижигание в трактате «Лхан-тхабс» знаменитый врач Санчжей Чжамцо (1653-1705) - регент Пятого Далай-ламы, автор и других известных трактатов, как Вайдурья-онбо и и «Атласа тибетской медицины», в которых произведена систематизация тибетских медицинских знаний той эпохи. Современная литература на эту тему представлена книгой Тарнуева В. А., и Намсараевой Г. Т. Рефлексотерапия в тибетской медицине: традиционные и современные аспекты. – Улан-Удэ: ОАО «Республиканская типография», 2001.
В ней есть ссылки и на другие первоисточники, где есть упоминание о прижигании, прогревании и моксатерапии в тибето-монгольской традиции.
Это Чжуд-ши: Канон тибетской медицины. – М.: Издательская фирма «Восточная литература» РАН, 2001. Перевод с тибетского Д.Б. Дашиева.
Данзин Пунцок. Шелпхренг («Стеклянные четки»), ксилограф на тибетском языке. Время создания – 1723 г. Отпечатано в печатне Агинского дацана Даши лхундуб линг в начале ХХ в.
Постараюсь сделать цитаты из этих источников знаний.
Moxibustion, так называется этот метод лечения исследован современной ЕВМ.
В первую очередь досталось бедным крысам.
Int J Pharm. 2008 Apr 16;354(1-2):117-25. Epub 2007 Nov 9.
Pretreatment effects of moxibustion on the skin permeation of FITC-dextran.
Cao D, Kitamura T, Todo H, Yoo SD, Sugibayashi K.
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Josai University, 1-1 Keyakidai, Sakado, Saitama 350-0295, Japan.
This study was conducted to evaluate the pretreatment effects of different in vivo moxibustion on the permeation of a model high molecular compound, FITC-dextran, with a mean molecular weight of 4kDa (FD-4), through excised hairless rat skin. Direct or indirect moxibustion (0.10g moxa) was pretreated consecutively 4 times every 5min on the abdomen of hairless rats, and the permeation of FD-4 was determined through the excised skin over 8h from 30min after starting the first moxibustion. This consecutive moxibustion pretreatment showed a significant increase in the skin temperature as well as skin permeation of FD-4 compared with the control group (no moxibustion pretreatment). Quantitative parameters showed an increase in skin temperature and skin permeation: the area under the skin temperature over control temperature-time curve during one burning cycle (5.0min) (AUC(temp)) or the maximum skin temperature during moxibustion (T(max)) and the cumulative amount of FD-4 permeated through skin over 8h (Q(8)) or steady-state flux were increased by moxibustion pretreatment. Then, the effect of pedestal thickness (distance from the moxa cylinder and skin surface), shape of the moxa cylinder (5mm diameter, 13mm height or 9mm diameter, 7mm height), burning materials (moxa or aromatic incense), pedestal component (paper, potato or ginger) and moxibustion pretreatment method (direct or indirect moxibustion) was evaluated on the AUC(temp) or T(max) and Q(8) or flux. The amount of protein leached from the skin surface was also determined as an inflammatory index by this moxibustion pretreatment. When the skin temperature was increased to 60 degrees C, the Q(8) or flux as well as the amount of protein leached were markedly increased. When the skin temperature was controlled to 42 to 45 degrees C by an adequate selection of pedestal thickness, shape of the moxa cylinder, burning materials, pedestal component and moxibustion pretreatment method, on the other hand, protein leaching remained unaltered, but the Q(8) or flux significantly increased with the T(max). This study thus provides credible evidence that moxibustion pretreatment increases the skin permeation of high molecular compounds.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1807 ... d_RVDocSum
Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2007 Jul;27(7):543-4.
Fan Yu-qi and "Taiyi miraculous moxa roll"
Liu LG, Gu-Jie .
Shanghai City Institute of Acupuncture and Meridians, Shanghai 200030, China. Liulgsh@126.com
OBJECTIVE: To explore the manipulation method, the range of indications and the characteristics of acupoint selection for "Taiyi miraculous moxa roll". METHODS: Apply computer to make retrieval and statistics of the literature, and then induction and analysis were made by manual methods. CONCLUSION: The "Taiyi miraculous moxa roll" method substitutes moxibustion for acupuncture, with very wide ranges of indications, the most being the thoracico-abdominal diseases, the next being the diseases in the head, and the less being in the limbs and in the lumbodorsal position; so far as the syndrome differentiation is concerned, the most is deficiency syndrome, the next is cold syndrome, wind syndrome, heat syndrome, phlegm syndrome and so on. The most acupoints selected are on the trunk, and the next on the limbs, and then on the head. This method is worth to be popularized.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1772 ... d_RVDocSum
Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2007 May;27(5):353-6.
Effects of moxibustion on erectile function and NO-cGMP pathway in diabetic rats with erectile dysfunction.
Yang YK, Rong HB, Chen HP, Tang Y.
College of Acupunctutre & Massage, Chengdu University of TCM, Sichuan 610075, China. zyyyk2005@163.com
OBJECTIVE: To explore the effect and the mechanism of moxibustion for treatment of diabetic erectile dysfunction (ED). METHODS: Diabetes mellitus (DM) rat model was induced by streptozotozin (STZ) and then penis erectile experiment of apomorphine (APO) was used to select diabetic ED rats model, which were divided into 2 groups: a model group and a moxibustion group, with another normal control group set up. The moxibustion group were treated with moxibustion at "Shenshu" (BL 23) and "Sanyinjiao" (SP 6) with small moxa cone about the size of a wheat grain. The effects on penis erectile, blood sugar and total NOS, cNOS, iNOS, and cGMP were investigated. RESULTS: Moxibustion had a certain improving action on blood sugar, improved significantly erectile function, and more significantly increased NOS, cNOS, iNOS activities and cGMP contents in the penis. CONCLUSION: Moxibustion has a certain action on the erectile function in the diabetic ED rats, which is related with improvement of blood sugar and promoting NO-cGMP pathway.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1764 ... d_RVDocSum